This is a worksheet designed to elicit study-specific challenges related to each T and help study teams develop a plan to address them. Key questions are outlined on this worksheet to facilitate conversation.
This is a worksheet designed to elicit study-specific challenges related to each T and help study teams develop a plan to address them. Key questions are outlined on this worksheet to facilitate conversation.
Peer-reviewed article detailing the preliminary development of the 5Ts Framework. Published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in 2019.
These slides are intended to help you:
A summary of the 5Ts Framework approach, and a complete list of recommendations broken down by 'T'.
This is a template for the study team to tailor and provide participants prior to study visits. It serves as a reminder, a reference for important visit information, as well as provides contact information in case questions come up.
Use this example hearing protocol to assess participant hearing.
For complex studies it can be helpful to provide participants a calendar of activities when they agree to participate. This provides a reference for what to expect and facilitates transparency.
Created by the Duke Recruitment Innovation Center